Thursday, March 22, 2012

Earthstorm - "Defeating the Moon"

The moon does not work this way. Nor do magnetic fields. Or pretty much anything else. Luckily for the movie's plot, Stephen Baldwin does not give a ****.
Backstory to this clip: some rift got created in the moon...somehow (an asteroid did it, according to the internet, I couldn't actually remember) and of course started ruining life on Earth. Luckily, Earth's top "scientists" had the brilliant idea of sending some people to space to plant an explosive in the moon and detonate it, which they figured would somehow fix everything. Apparently it worked. My dad and I were watching this on TV for the lols (this clip is not the only scientifically terrible thing that you will see, among other things there are also people walking around the space shuttle as if they were on Earth. Because you know, gravity works like that. Also, they spell "astronomy" incorrectly) and I had stepped out of the room for a bit and when I came back, I had missed this sequence. When I asked what had happened, my dad said that they defeated the moon, hence the title of this post.
Just look at the boredom in everybody's face. They are all simultaneously thinking "God, I want to go home".

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